Intercultural Training China

Intercultural Seminars

Communicating successfully with Chinese (business) partners

China and Germany – these two countries have a lot in common: both have mastered the challenges of the economic crisis, both are considered economical growth drivers. Some of the major companies of German industry have been successful in China for more than 100 years. Since the 1980s, medium-sized companies have been following this example. Meanwhile, Chinese global players are successful in the German market as well.

However, the difficulties in the interaction of Germans and Chinese still do not belong to the past due to the differences between these two countries.

Chinese people are different? So are Germans. Day-to-day cooperation often turns out to be more complicated than expected. After an initial phase of euphoria or even minor successes, irritations frequently occur to an extent that threatens the success of the cooperation. Germans and Chinese have considerably different ways of thinking, communicating, acting and working. Often, the interaction partners are not aware of these differences. This harbours a high conflict potential in the medium and long term.

The seminar “Intercultural Training China” imparts background knowledge and professional solutions for successful long-term communication and cooperation with your Chinese business partners.


• “Intercultural Training China”: Framework and objectives
• Concepts and models of culture

China – old and new global power
• Consistency and change of the world’s oldest cultural nation
• Current situation
• Areas of conflict in modern China

Germany and China
• Stereotypes and cultural contrast: images of Germany and China
• 2000 years of connection and encounter
• Why neither the European Enlightenment nor Modernism would have existed without China
• Orientalism and exoticism

Style and etiquette
• The dos and don’ts and their limits
• German manners versus Chinese customs

Ways of thinking, communicating and working in China
• Values, norms, cultural standards
• Rules and rituals
• Personal relationships and their foundations
• Hierarchy, authority, and loyalty
• Saving face
• Strategy and tactics
• Expressing criticism

Communication in China
• Special characteristics and the role of the Chinese language and its written form
• Verbal versus non-verbal communication
• Chinese communication strategies

You will learn…

…to act adequately when interacting with Chinese business partners. On the one hand, you will acquire specific, substantiated background knowledge about China and about cooperating with Chinese business partners. On the other hand, you will be enabled to reflect on your own cultural background with reference to China. You will strengthen your personal intercultural competence by taking into account the needs of both Germans and Chinese.
The knowledge gained concerning the Chinese way of thinking and acting will enable you to react appropriately in different situations and to avoid misunderstandings. Therefore, you will be able to benefit from the cooperation’s full potential, to act competently in different situations both in everyday life and in business life, and to establish successful business relations in the long term.


This two-day seminar addresses participants whose professional activities require taking on tasks in China and who have to establish contact with Chinese partners. At the same time, it is suitable for businesspeople working with Chinese team or business partners in Germany.


Duration: 2 days
Dates: by request
Location: Göttingen
Number of participants: max. 12
Trainer: Christina Werum-Wang, MBA, MA (about the instructor)

Price: 1.180,- € plus VAT (1.404,20 € gross)

Beverages, snacks and seminar documents are included. The participants receive a certificate upon completing the seminar.
We look forward to welcoming you on this training course.

Open seminar currently only available in German; trainings inhouse in English or Chinese on request. For additional information please see our German homepage: Interkulturelles Training China.

If you wish to book this course as an inhouse seminar, please use the contact form.

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